I lost him...i really lost him d....he is not mine anymore....im totally broken...he is not the Devin that I really love,admire,care....seriously i feel so jealous....im not happy....y ths happens to me????y????where i went wrong!!im not good fr u...i knw...im not....waiting fr the moment to juz end up evrythng...im sorry...=(
..i know it hurtz.. ill never tell u it will never hurt. but than again, if datz the bezt for you, better hurt now than later on. Take me as ur example. When the lurve iz still there, better to let go.. than u guyz startz to hate each other than itz gonna become worze. "If u love sumthing, set it free. If it comez back to you. it iz urz. If it didnt, it will never be." Hugzz!
i wanna talk to u...seriously...=(
dun knw when i gonna break down...but i wanna meet u...
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