Ok,let me start....today such a boring day,walaupun....ingat walaupun Tune Hotel Penang fully booked,tapi feel like the day going so slow.....2mrw on afternoon shift oso....haizzzzz...somemore dgn kononnya Master holder..haiyooooo!!!!!Jalan punya slow....check-in guest punya slow....not willing to take initiative to learn....dun knw hw la,our big boss can hired ths kind of person to work....not mean to say im downgrading her,but she looks like doesnt want to work....the way she behave....the way she talk....oh my God...she even ask for food presentation on Mee Rebus....heloooo Misss!!!what kind of food presentation u want???!!!!!hate ths kind of MAlAYSIAN,seriously sorry,no offence....u r frm Malaysia,somemore Penang...can u juz dun act like frm Australia ...Canada ....???
Hmmmm....sumthng disturbing me....i get a job(again)...at Genting....as Front Office Assistant....the pay quite good....hmmm....actually the person who really wann the job was my cousin,Eswary....im juz accompanied her fr the interview..i even last minute dun wan give a try fr the interview...but within 5 min i get the job and she is still under consideration...feel so guilty...coz she doesnt got it..hmmm....she told me,if she get it,she wanna go wth me...but nw,suddenly said,even she get it,her parents doesnt allowed her to go....haiyo....wat u wan me to do nw,Eswary????u give me a such a hope to go....but nw,u cant go...???If I go there,i will be alone....=( without my parents....
Today,i didnt call him♥Devin♥at all....hahahaha..my policy fr today,LESS TALK,LESS ARGUEMENTS....wakakakaaaa..=).....Today Lea told me...last time one of my ex-colleague here,hmmm....let us call her *LADY G*hehehehe...nama samaran yg diberi Fiezaina Rafie.....Ths Lady G told Lea,that i coupled up with Devin secara tergesa-gesa.....she said that i neva had a chance to knw any guys,thats y i accepted him at the 1st place....hahahaaa....what a good joke!!!Lea scared that I will go n serang her...hahaha.....fr wat i wanna serang her???helo...look...Lady G..u knw me only fr few months...u neva saw Devin b4,i hate the words of u that downgrading him saying that i should not chose him...and oso...helo...come on...who neva had a chance to knw guys???u or me???Im not a social type of gal,or a gal that love to mixed around with guys,but plz...b4 ths i had a love experience....i had a chance to knw a guy....but maybe jodoh tak panjang.....we breaks afta 5 months relationship....Afta that,i do met with so many kind of attitudes guys....but seriously...Devin is the 1st one that i really ♥.....so better afta ths she dun come and talk about others to me...thats all....☺
Nw,i have to stop writing....and do my shift closing with Erica....so.....later if im free at home,i will continue my story....hehehee...amigos!!!